owl LAKE

LAKE: NRC Power Reactor Status

Example: Southern Nuclear Operating
U.S. nuclear power reactor status from NRC data 2025-03-13 Chart by jsq for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange www.l-a-k-e.org 2025-03-13
Far1: Farley 1 100%; Far2: Farley 2 97%; Hat1: Hatch 1 100%; Hat2: Hatch 2 0%; Vog1: Vogtle 1 100%; Vog2: Vogtle 2 0%; Vog3: Vogtle 3 100%; Vog4: Vogtle 4 100%

See Also

Geocommons operating nuclear reactors lat long and a slightly incomplete Wikipedia List of "all nuclear power stations that are larger than 1,000 MW in current net capacity", with latlong coordinates.

Google map from above wikipedia list:

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