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Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority (VLCIA)
Meeting Schedule web page as
Request for Bid: 2012 Strategic Plan Process.
Retrieved 21 February 2012.

Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority 2012 Strategic Plan Process Scope of services and consultant RFP Overview: The Board of Directors for the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority (hereafter referred to as V-LCIA) will be reviewing proposals for a strategic plan including: A.) a visioning process involving the community and key stakeholders in the process, B.) develop a strategic plan for the V-LCIA taking into consideration the input from stakeholders, C.) target industry analysis. The Georgia Power Community Assessment that was completed in October 2011 has provided groundwork and should be used in this process. The board will entertain proposals at the regularly scheduled meeting in February. Please email proposals to the following no later than 12:00 p.m. on March 16, 2012: Attn: Andrea Schruijer, Executive Director Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority Responsive bids should include a sample of similar work in other communities, a list of references, a cost of services, and a projected timeline and methodology. The bid should allow for a number of onsite visits and facilitation with staff, board members, elected officials, and stakeholders. In order to have time to consider consultant based recommendations prior to the 2012-2013 fiscal year, the V-LCIA Board would like for the process to commence upon a notice to proceed and conclude prior to June 15, 2012. Requested Scope of Services
A. Vision Process — The consultant will be asked to meet with staff, board members, elected
officials and key stakeholders to gather input for the strategic plan and to assist the board in developing a vision for the V-LCIA.
B. Strategic Plan — using input from the above mentioned individuals to put together a plan that
will include goals and benchmarks for the next 5 years.
C. Target industry analysis — The consultant will be asked to
evaluate the community and identify
targeted industry clusters that will work in the region. Additional responsibilities will be to recommend specific strategies and techniques to target specific industries indentified along with additional clusters desired by the community. Certain recommendations may include best uses for expending marketing capital.