owl LAKE

LAKE: NRC Power Reactor Status


U.S. nuclear power reactor status from NRC data 2025-03-13 Chart by jsq for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange www.l-a-k-e.org 2025-03-13
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Hatch 105000321BWR20 miles S of Vidalia, GASouthern Nuclear Operating
Hatch 205000366BWR20 miles S of Vidalia, GASouthern Nuclear Operating
Vogtle 105000424PWR26 miles SE of Augusta, GASouthern Nuclear Operating
Vogtle 205000425PWR26 miles SE of Augusta, GASouthern Nuclear Operating
Vogtle 305200025AP100026 miles SE of Augusta, GASouthern Nuclear Operating
Vogtle 405200026AP100026 miles SE of Augusta, GASouthern Nuclear Operating